These are just a few of the ideas we used for Halloween.
We read a Dora book, The Halloween Cat, and discussed the parts of the story. This was our first attempt and sequencing and recalling events from a story this year. The students did a great job because Dora books are pretty repetitive. I'm sure you can use any Halloween story for this activity. I asked students to remember something that happened at the beginning, the middle, and at the end of the story and wrote down their responses. The book was handy to look at pictures in case I had any blank stares. They did really well with this!

We read Stellaluna and discussed some things that we learned about bats from the story. I wrote down one bat fact that they told me. They drew the eyes and mouth and we hung them upside down in our classroom.
We did a pattern activity with haunted houses and Halloween stickers. Students were able to choose 2 Halloween items for their patterns. The teachers wrote down what they chose in the rhyme. We only focused on AB patterns.
We read There's a Nightmare in my Closet. We talked about how the monster wasn't really scary. In fact, the monster was scared of the kid! We listened to Maybe the Monster by Justin Roberts. What a fun song! After that, we made our own nightmares and put them in our closets. The students loved being able to create silly monsters. There were no rules! They could have 2 heads, 4 eyes, 8 legs... whatever they wanted! We got some really great pictures out of it and I know they enjoyed it!