Thursday, May 3, 2012


In honor of National Poetry Month, we decided to take a look at and write some poems during the last week of April. Many of the ideas came from pinterest ( and Shel Silverstein's Where the Sidewalk Ends. For preschool students to write their own poems, we had the teachers write down what the students wanted to say.

We read the poem, "Sick" by Shel Silverstein. We wrote another list poem, using the same idea as Silverstein, but with "OUCH!" as the focus as a group. Brainstorm all the things that would make you say "Ouch!" Then each student created his/her own poem on a giant band-aid. 

We read a chant type of poem that repeats often. Then we made our own chant about what we would wish for. We brainstormed some ideas together and then the students picked 3 wishes for their chant. We glued a child's profile and dandelion above the poem using yarn.

We read Shel Silverstein’s Hector the Collector poem from Where the Sidewalk Ends. We talked about how something one person's junk is another person's treasure! Then we had the students make a list of the things they treasure and put the list inside a small treasure box.

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